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Languages in Africa

Author(s): Elizabeth C. Zsiga, One Tlale Boyer, and Ruth Kramer
ISBN: 9781626161535

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

Author(s): Stephen R. Covey
ISBN: 0-671-66398-4

Reading and writing skill builders

Author(s): Scholastic teaching resources
ISBN: 0439060656

The linguistics encyclopedia

Author(s): Kirsten Malmkjær
ISBN: 0203874951

More reading power

Author(s): Linda Jeffries, Beatrice S. Mikulecky
ISBN: 0201609703

An Introduction to language

Author(s): Victoria Fromkin, Robert Rodman, Nina Hyams
ISBN: 9781337559577

Business and Administrative Communication

Author(s): Kitty O. Locker, Donna S. Kienzler
ISBN: 9780073403182

A dictionary of linguistics and phonetics

Author(s): David Crystal.
ISBN: 9781405152969

Just enough: english grammar illustrated

Author(s): Gabriel Stobbe
ISBN: 0071594973

Contemporary theories of Learning

Author(s): Knud Illeris
ISBN: 9781138550483

College writing a personal approach to academic writing

Author(s): Toby Fulwiler
ISBN: 0867095237

Academic writing a practical guide for students

Author(s): Stephen Bailey
ISBN: 0748768386

Handbook of contemporary learning theories

Author(s): Robert R. Mowrer, Stephen B. Klein
ISBN: 0­8058­3334­x

Writing analytically

Author(s): David Rosenwasser, Jill Stephen
ISBN: 9781337559461

English grammar: understanding the basics

Author(s): Evelyn P.Altenberg & Robert M.Vago
ISBN: 9780511729454

The theory and practice of online learning

Author(s): Terry Anderson
ISBN: 9781897425084

Teaching academic writing: a toolkit for higher education

Author(s): Caroline Coffin, Mary Jane Curry, Sharon Goodman
ISBN: 0203994892

Ways of learning, learning theories and learning styles in the classroom

Author(s): Alan Pritchard
ISBN: 02038872470